iHustle 4-Week Intensive Cohort 2 - Enrolling Now

Jul 02, 2023 9:02 pm


Hi !

I hope you are having a great summer so far! This Texas heat is no job, but we are hanging in there.

As you all know, side hustles are on the rise and even more so due to the pandemic as people don't want to be caught without a second form of income to take care of their families. And now with the cost of living increasing, people are looking for ways to earn extra income for wants as well as needs. 

I am in the camp of both and have launched a side gig that has now turned into a full fledge firm....all while still working full-time in corporate America. 

People have often asked, and still do, "how in the world are you able to do it?". 

It's not a question you can answer at the drop of a dime.

While they think I did it all at once, they are surprised to hear my answer of "One evening and one weekend at a time!"

Knowing that there is so much more between the lines, I decided to take my experience and create my first iHustle Side-Gig Group Coaching Intensive. This intensive will show you how to develop, start, and grow a side-gig the right way. 

In this 4-week virtual intensive, we will cover 11 main topics that will help you get established or even polish up what you are already doing. The intensive is designed to get you up and running in 30 days or less, post program.

I will teach you how to avoid the mistakes I made so that you can become successful, faster. I will share "how to's" and the "don'ts" in developing a successful side gig by sharing stories along with practical, tried, and tested tips. 

At the end of the intensive, you will receive a course completion certificate and iHustle badge to display in your workspace and/or on your website.

Cohorts are expected to collaborate, share information, network, and who knows.....you may even do business with each other which would be the icing on the cake! 

Cohort 2 will begin Thursday, July 13th for four consecutive Thursdays. Class will run from 5:00pm CST to 7:00pm CST depending on the number of students.

Click here to sign up. Trust me, you will be so thankful you did.

I'm in!

See you in my virtual classroom!

Nickquolette Barrett

a.k.a. The "Get Hired!" Strategist

CEO/Founder iRock Development Solutions, LLC d.b.a. iRock Résumés
