Time Management & Productivity Workshop

Feb 24, 2022 7:12 pm


Hi !

Ever wonder how I get so much done in so little time? Well, here's your chance to find out my tips and tricks!

I am hosting a

90 Minute Time Management & Productivity Workshop

Saturday, March 5, 2022

9am-10:30am CST

for only $97 - yes, you read correctly, only $97.

And get this. You not only get to hear my tips but you can pick my brain as well.

This workshop is intended for career professionals and business owners alike who want to gain control of your time and productivity. Also, if this is not you and you know someone who could benefit from this, either gift them this workshop or send to them to sign up.*

In this workshop you will learn....

In this workshop in addition to a Q&A session at the end, you will learn

  • tips to master your calendar
  • mindset shift to becoming a productivity guru
  • how to create workflows that work
  • how to manage email effectively
  • Apps & Systems to tackle tasks and more
  • and, much more!

You will walk away with: 

  • a schedule that works in your life.
  • the feeling that you can be more productive with your day.
  • a new found love for your business and/or career.
  • peace of mind that you can master your time.
  • a recorded copy of the session to reference when needed.

I so need this

The session will be via Google Meet. Sign up today!

*To be effective, space is limited to first come first serve up to 20 people. So hurry and grab your seat!

At your service,

Nickquolette Barrett

4X Certified Executive Résumé Writer and Career & Productivity Coach
