🎉 iRock Turns 7 today! See what's new!! 🎉

May 26, 2021 2:11 am


Hi !

The 7th year anniversary celebration continues! Yay!!

Everyday, we are sharing new ways to help you grow as a career professional. We have new services and resources and are excited to share them with you.

Today we shared our FREE resume, LinkedIn profile, and Interview Prep review and feedback service. And, our iRcCheck out the two posts below and share, share, share!

Post | Feed | LinkedIn

Post | Feed | LinkedIn

Also, remember, anyone who purchases a Job Landing Package will get a Career Highlights/Networking One Page for FREE! That's a $297 value! You must book by 5/31.

Act fast as the packages as you see them on the website will go "poof"! Why? I'm transitioning from a "service" based business to a "solutions" based business. I'll explain more in an upcoming email.

Always in His service as I serve you,

