Need Some Recommendations - And a Giveaway ($ for coffee!) - Tomorrow's Prayer Video

Feb 15, 2023 10:03 pm


imageI'll keep this email super short.

#1 - I'm wondering if you might be willing to reply to this email and share your favorite books with me. If you have a one or two (or five!) titles you could pass along, I would be so incredibly grateful!

#2 - One person from my email list will win a $10 gift card for coffee. I'll use a random name generator to choose the winner and will send that person an email next week. Good luck & I hope you win!

#3 - Amy Hale is someone I follow on Instagram and she just flat encourages me with every single thing she posts. So, I am sharing her IG handle because I'd love for others to be encouraged, too! (She doesn't know I'm sharing this.. I sure hope she doesn't mind!) Find Amy here: or just look for @AmyHale

#4 - The fifth video in my six-part prayer retreat series goes live tomorrow at 2pm Central time in my private Facebook prayer group. If you'd like to check it out, here's where to join the group.

# 5 - In case nobody told you this lately, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are a blessing! Thanks for being exactly who you are!

Lord bless you today (and I'm serious about the book suggestions - PRETTY PLEASE send them my way!)

~ Jan L. Burt
