Never Walk in Darkness

Aug 15, 2022 7:53 pm


Darkness - this is the word that comes to mind when I spend too much time scrolling social media or reading the latest headlines.

But when we know Jesus, we know the antidote to the darkness that comes from living in a lost and hurting world.


John 8:12 reminds us that He is the Light of the World, and so we know that when we walk with Him, we never walk in darkness. No part of our life is exempt from His perfect and penetrating light. Nothing lurking in the shadows can jump out at us and overcome us but will be exposed to the light of Christ and will lose it’s scary “lurky-ness”.

The promise that He will never allow us to walk in darkness so long as we follow Him is encouraging and reassuring and just plain amazing. You and I, we will have the light of life as we follow Jesus day by day.

Think about that for a second: the light of life.

Your enemy can’t plunge you into darkness because you are walking in the light of life.

The author of death cannot stand against the power and the presence of the light of the world.

When the Lord shines a spotlight on something, darkness has to flee.

There is so much peace, hope and joy in this verse from the book of John, and I am praying that this verse will be a source of encouragement to you today, bringing the promise of the light of Christ into any and every dark thing you are dealing with.

And if you would ever like me to pray for you, I would be honored to do so. Feel free to reply to this email and I will pray - it’s truly a gift to be able to pray for one another, isn’t it?

This week and next week I am the Prayer Coordinator in an online prayer room for a wonderful summit I am part of - it is a humbling role, to say the least! I’m also speaking twice during this event (Homeschool Superheroes Week with Kerry Beck) & one of my workshops is all about praying Psalm 91 over your family. There is a free ticket option available that allows you to view each day’s workshops for a 24-hour period. In case you might like to check that out, or if you’d like to have access to the Psalm 91 workshop, here is a link.

And here is a dropbox link to a pdf of the Bible verses we are using each day in the prayer room. They are great verses to pray over your family as you get ready to kick off a new school year, whether your kiddos are in public, private or homeschool! Grab that here.

Thanks for being part of my email list, The Runway, and I hope this has been a way for you to refuel and remember that what God has promised to you is all yours, today and every day!

Remember that as you head into the new week!

Bye for now!

~ Jan L. Burt

host of The Burt (Not Ernie) Show Podcast

getting the promises of God into the people of God

Listen to the Podcast Here
