Every Word of God Proves True (This Week on The Runway Email with Jan L. Burt )

Sep 14, 2022 9:10 pm


Well, hey there!

Jan L. Burt dropping by your inbox to deliver some encouragement from the Bible as a quick “refuel” for you today.

Today let’s take a look at a book from the Old Testament - Proverbs, often referred to as “The Book of Wisdom”. 

Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to Him for protection.

When we find words like “every” and “all” in verses in the bible, we need to remember just what it is that those words are conveying.

In Proverbs 30:5, we are reminded that God is - present tense is - right this very moment a shield for all who come to Him for protection. 

When God makes a promise, it is as good as a promise kept. 

He leaves no wiggle room; He said it in His word, and He will do what He has said.

I want to encourage you to believe that every word of God will prove true. 

Be sure to go to Him for protection as often as you need it, because His promise to be a shield for you is one He intends to keep. 

Lord bless you today and thanks for letting me stop by your inbox with this refuel via “The Runway”.

~ Jan L. Burt

P.S. - I would be honored to pray for you, and if you ever have a prayer request you are welcome to reply to one of my emails or reach out to me at JanLBurt@outlook.com and I will stand in prayer with you. :) 

