The Lord is My Light & My Salvation...

Aug 05, 2022 10:21 pm

Fear. For many people, "FEAR" is the real four letter F-word...


It's no joke, this thing called fear. 

And it doesn't mess around. It just hits us - BAM! - right where it hurts. 

As I was reading Psalm 27 recently, I saw what could be an antidote for fear. The more I studied this portion of the Bible and the more I prayed over the words of this psalm, the more I knew I needed to share about it. 

When I began asking myself, "So, exactly why am I afraid?" I realized that I wasn't trusting God to be my light and my salvation. Failing to trust that He will lead and guide me as I move forward in life was only lending to my fears. But why doubt that the Light of the Word would stop lighting the way before me?!? 

My Savior is perfect at rescuing His people in times of need and distress. 

The promise in Psalm 27:1 that the Lord is my fortress and He will always be about the work of protecting me from danger is so valuable and so needed right here and now, smack dab in the middle of the year 2022. 

So while it is true that fear is no joke, it is also true that God is no Joker. 

What He promises to do is exactly what will be done. 

And verse 1 is just the beginning, because the rest of Psalm 27 holds hope and encouragement and promise that changed my thinking (which, in turn, changed my life...)

I'd like to share some more about this psalm over the next couple of weeks because anything really, truly good and life-changing is the stuff we all need to be sharing with one another right now. 

The last couple of years have been, well, A LOT. 

Fear is a very natural result of the state of things in our world as of late.

But God triumphs over fear & I really believe He has victory over fear in store for all of His people.

Also, just as an FYI, you are probably getting this email from me (Jan L. Burt) because at some point you signed up to get a freebie I was offering (as part of an online conference or summit, perhaps!)  

I'm not the world's greatest emailer, so you may not have heard from me on the regular, but the subject of fear and the comfort I've found in God's Word were a big enough topic that I wanted to jump back into your inbox and share with you. 

He is YOUR light and YOUR salvation. 

He is YOUR fortress, and He is protecting YOU from danger today.

Remember that as you head into the weekend!

Bye for now!

~ Jan L. Burt

host of The Burt (Not Ernie) Show Podcast

getting the promises of God into the people of God

Listen to the Podcast Here
