A New Podcast for Homeschoolers & A New Quiz to Find Out What Kind of Homeschool Mom Are You?

Aug 12, 2022 5:21 pm

It's Friday, so I'm going to keep this email short and to the point.

There's a new quiz from my friend Kerry Beck and it is just for homeschoolers. I took it and I was kinda surprised by how accurate it was.

The link to the quiz is RIGHT HERE

And there is also a brand new podcast called Homeschool Coffee Break & it has some top of the best workshops from Kerry's summits and she is giving away a hunk of quality content for free via this new podcast.

I always say that she serves her people better than almost anybody I know, and here she has gone and upped the ante with these two new ways to bless and serve homeschoolers.

Here's the link to the Homeschool Coffee Break podcast (this link is via Stitcher)

And this link is for Apple Podcasts

I said I'd keep this short and to the point, so I'm gonna wrap it up but I hope you get the chance to check out the podcast and / or the quiz. It's such good stuff!

Have a wonderful weekend!

~ Jan L. Burt

of the blog Encouraging Moms Who Homeschool

and author of The Homeschooling Mothers Bible Study
