Oct 27, 2023 4:01 pm

Hi ,

How are you coping in this economic mess?

It is no longer news that the current economic situation is harsh, but it doesn't have to dictate your financial future.

A lot of uncertainties are everywhere about where the economy is heading. There's a price hike in everyday living, but there is no equivalent hike in daily income; instead, there is a decline in value.

It is a big problem!

, instead of feeling helpless, why not try a new profitable path that can change your life forever?

Trading can change your life forever if you are patient and disciplined enough to learn the skill, mentored by profitable traders, and also belong to a profitable trading community.

All these and more will be given to you when you enroll in our FX BOOTCAMP COURSE. This training will be held live in Zaria, Kaduna state. If this location is not close to you, you can easily join us online and have the exact experience as those present in person.


, we have a limited number of 25 physical slots available, and any registrations after these 25 slots are filled will be online only. Quickly reserve your spot as we are giving people the opportunity to secure their place by paying the discounted price of ₦100,000 before the 10th of November 2023, and we will reserve your physical spot for you.

To reserve your spot now or for more details, send "FX BOOTCAMP" to us by clicking the button below."

WhatsApp Us



VFT Team.
