Jul 24, 2023 9:46 am

Hello ,

Happy new week!

We all know the Nigerian economy is progressively getting tougher as the days go by; but in all of it, as traders we have an opportunity to thrive.

We encourage that as the economy seems to be unstable, try as much as possible to make your trading withdrawal stable by utilizing our weekly analysis.

Remember, "The financial market is a classroom that teaches valuable lessons every day. Embrace each experience, learn from both wins and losses, and let knowledge with back-testing be your greatest asset."

Here at Value Flow Trading, this is our analysis for the week:

USD: Last week we saw a bullish dollar, as it retraced after the devastating push to the down side a week before, which confirms our analysis to short dollar correlated pairs.

However, the dollar trend is still bearish structurally. Therefore, we look forward to shorting the dollar (long-term), which implies longing its correlated pairs (GBPUSD, EURUSD) when we see a structure for the dollar sell as illustrated in the markup below.


JPY: Last week, we saw a bearish YEN as analyzed, forming the pull back of the bullish YEN.

This week we expect the continuation of the YEN retracement to clear the buy side liquidity, which implies that YEN correlated pairs may be bearish. However, the overall trend for the yen is still a down-trend.


GOLD: Last week the Gold spot was bullish, forming the high of the week on Tuesday, and later pulled back to form the low of the week.

Therefore, this week we are looking out for a brief short of Gold spot, then a continuation of the LONG as the Gold spot already broke out of the lower range to the upside.


Make sure you trade cautiously and stick to your risk management plan this week as we expect FOMC this week


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Cheers and have a profitable Week!

VFT Team
