What Is Your Trade Outcome From Our Analysis Upon The Uncertainties?

Jun 14, 2023 3:58 pm

Hello ,

How is your week going? Here at Value Flow Trading, it's been a mixed week as we have major news all through this week.

Although our analysis for the Gold spot played out as expected while we still await FOMC later this evening.

Would you like to trade live with us here at the trading floor during our live trading session on Friday 16th of June 2023?


Make a deposit of $100 on EQ Markets Global Platform using the link below and you will be added to our live trading sessions both on-site and online.


For more information, and to show you've made deposit, simply click the button below to send us a message on WhatsApp.

Click Here!


Enjoy Cashflow Without Time Restrictions!

If you find yourself occupied during weekdays and only have weekends available, but still desire to enhance your financial situation through trading, then we have the perfect solution for you.

Join us for the highly anticipated June edition of the ATM Cashflow Training!


See flier details above! Learn from experienced traders who have a track record of success in the markets. This month's edition hold from 21th - 23rd June, 2023.

Registration closes: 19th June, 2023.

See you in class!

Need more info, hit the button below to send us a WhatsApp message:

WhatsApp Us



VFT Team
