Let's Pass Your Prop Challenge For You!

May 17, 2023 6:58 pm


As a trader, can make at least 2% to 5% monthly on your account?

Now imagine that you have a fully funded 400k prop account and you can consistently make and withdraw 2% to 5% monthly?

That is $8,000 to $20,000 minimum monthly, between 5.6m to 14m consistently if you can just make 2% to 5%!

What if we could help you pass your $400,000 Prop Account Stage 1 Evaluation and Stage 2 Verification, guaranteed within 5 trading days and get you a fully funded $400k account for you to trade?

Of course we will charge you for helping you pass the prop, just the same way the Prop firm will charge you for evaluation and verification but from you first withdrawal, if you can trade the account after passing and make just 2%, you would recoup your cost of the prop and cost of passing, plus extra profits on top.

Please budget 2.5m for the entire 400k account purchase fees and passing fees.

There are very limited slots, so the earlier the better.

This service is also available for smaller prop accounts.

For more updates please join the Telegram Channel via this link:


Also fill out this form below if you're interested in this:


Let's make some money! Let's scale some prop accounts!

VFT Team.
