Aug 21, 2023 4:01 am

Hello ,

Happy New week!

Do you notice the crash in the dollar to naira rate last week? It was $1 = ₦830 compared to the rate two weeks ago. If there is a time to give more attention to trading, it is now!

Remember, opportunities in the financial market are like waves in the ocean; they come and go. Be prepared, ride the waves of opportunity, and seize them whenever they appear.

Here at Value Flow Trading, this is our analysis for the week:

USD: Throughout last week, we saw a bullish dollar as it cleared the nearest buy-side liquidity.

This week, we expect a brief retracement of the bullish move, then a rally to clear the next buy-side liquidity. However, the dollar trend is still structurally bearish.

Therefore, we look forward to shorting the dollar (long-term), which implies longing its correlated pairs (GBPUSD, EURUSD) when we see a structure for the dollar sell, as illustrated in the markup below.


JPY: All through last week, we saw a bearish YEN as analyzed.

This week we expect a bullish YEN, as illustrated in the chart below, to clear the buy-side liquidity, which implies that YEN correlated pairs may be bearish. However, the overall trend for the yen is still a downtrend.


GOLD: Last week, we saw the Gold spot maintaining its bearish trend after clearing the sell-side liquidity last Thursday.

Going forward this week, we expect to see the Gold spot rally to the trend line after tapping into its daily FVG. Therefore, this week we are looking to LONG the Gold Spot as soon as our Value Flow Models® align.


Make sure you trade cautiously and stick to your risk management plan this week.


Ride This Opportunity Wave!

Did you know this is our last ATM CASHFLOW with this price of ₦100,000?

From next month, our ATM CASHFLOW price moves to ₦150,000. Why don't you jump on this opportunity and wave poverty goodbye as you begin to mint your dollars?


This month's edition is coming up on 23rd - 25th of August 2023.

Registration closes: Tomorrow.

For more information, simply click the button below to send us a message on WhatsApp.

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Cheers and have a profitable Week!

VFT Team
