Jan 17, 2024 7:16 pm

Hello ,

I trust your day went well.

Have you seen the exchange rate today?

The dollar seems to be holding strong!

Today's exchange rate is $1 to ₦1310.

With this surge in the rate, the impact will reflect on the economy in the coming weeks. This means the cost of purchasing anything will increase. Considering the daily rise in the cost of living and stagnant salaries, relying on a salary increment seems insufficient. Instead, it's advisable to explore additional income streams, especially those that can earn in dollars.

, I'm aware you've been contemplating this option, given the current state of the dollar.

Check out a testimonial below from one of our students:


Yes, that's his profit for today. Take a moment to calculate it again and multiply that figure by ₦1310. That's more than someone's monthly salary.

, what you just calculated is the profit from trading synthetics, which is the simplest level to start your trading journey.

You too can take the bold step that will change your life forever by enrolling in our ATM CASHFLOW training coming up this month. It's the first edition for this year, filled with simple and accurate knowledge for profitability.

Check the flyer below for more details about the training


Send CASH FLOW to us now on WhatsApp by clicking the button below, and let us help you establish a stable cash flow system this year.

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