Sep 25, 2023 4:01 am

Hi ,

Happy New Week!

Do you see how precise our analysis was last week?

Remember, "As a trader, your success is determined by your ability to adapt to changing market conditions. Finish the year as a master of adaptation."

Here at Value Flow Trading, this is our analysis for the week:

USD: Last week, we saw the dollar rally as expected, reaching the high of the year, but it has yet to break that high.

Going forward this week, we expect the dollar to break the high and form a new high for the year after a brief retracement, as analyzed in the chart below. Therefore, we look forward to longing the dollar, which implies shorting its correlated pairs (GBPUSD, EURUSD) when we see a structure for the dollar rally, as illustrated in the markup below.


JPY: Throughout last week, the YEN was ranging against our BULLISH prediction for about three weeks now.

This week, we still expect a bullish YEN, as illustrated in the chart below, to clear the buy-side liquidity, which implies that YEN correlated pairs may be bearish. However, the overall trend for the yen is still a downtrend.


GOLD: Last week, we saw the Gold spot continue its downtrend, forming the low of the week on Thursday after selling off during FOMC on Wednesday and rallying on Friday.

Moving forward this week, we still expect the Gold spot to sell into the daily FVG. Therefore, this week we are looking to SHORT the Gold Spot as soon as our Value Flow Modelsยฎ align.


Make sure you trade cautiously and stick to your risk management plan as we expect some major impact news this week..


Cheers and have a profitable week

VFT Team
