When you sign up below you will be taken to a check out page where you can make your payment to fully register for my online course in Syntropic Agroforestry starting:
Saturday June 26th 9AM EST - 9 PM Bali time.
This course is a 3-week presentation-based course via Zoom held on Saturdays.
Each presentation is approx. 1,5 hours long and is information-dense
and YES you get to hang out with me and ask me Questions!
Normally the Course price for this course is $222,-
Because you are in my inner circle of support
I am making it available at $99,-
If you really, really want to but can't afford this
email me directly and we work something out!
Know that you are thanked for having supported me in the past.
Pre-Course Documentation:
Introductory handbook (PDF) accompanied by several emails before the course starts.
The Syntropic Mindset
What is syntropy?
What is Syntropic Agriculture?
How syntropic systems differentiate from traditional farming practices.
How you can start making small changes in your life towards a more syntropic way of navigating.
Practices, Principles & Pathways
Post-Course Resources
Post-Course Support
Additional private consultancy or support classes are available on request at a flat rate of $100,- per session.