Summer, Stories, and Giving Yourself a Break

Aug 14, 2024 3:15 pm

Hello my friends! We are coming up on the end of summer. Kids will soon be back in school (if they aren't already where you are), and even though some of us have been wilting in the heat, autumn is so close we can feel her beckoning us with thoughts of sweater weather and hot chocolate.

In the meantime, however, we're grabbing as much beach time as possible. As beach time also means beach reads, what kind of friend would I be without sharing some anthologies of all sorts? Shorter reads with those happy-ever-after endings that give us hope for the world are just the thing to while away these last days of summer. (Of course, The Bedroom Diaries is also in here if you haven't yet picked up your copy.)

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I am planning on being in a few more anthologies next year, and am working on those stories, as well as working on my Paranormal Women's Fiction with Magic and Murder series, lol. I am WAY behind on that, and can only hope the publisher that was interested is still interested when I get the finished manuscript to her.

At any rate - summer is coming to a close (and hopefully the heat will ebb soon, too). Autumn will bring us changes, and I know I, for one, am more than ready.

Sending much love to you, wherever you may be.
