Welcome to the Nation

“If you don’t take care of your wellness, you’ll be forced to make time for your illness.” - Ben Curtis

Are you interested in personal growth and connection?

Adam and I understand you value your mental health and overall well-being.

Our weekly DudeNews is here to help you uplift your mental health and wellness journey.

What's in it for You?

DudeNews Weekly is more than just a newsletter; it's your weekly dose of:

  • Men's Health Awareness: Get tangible tips on how to improve men's mental health.
  • Mental Wellness Conversations: Learn to recognize symptoms of depression in men and break the stigma.
  • Self-Care Practices: Discover self-care practices for men's mental wellness and understand the impact of work stress on men's mental well-being.
  • Resource Hub: Access men's mental health resources, hotlines, and support for mental health issues.
  • Community Support: Feel the camaraderie of other men breaking barriers and redefining masculinity.

Hear it from our readers:

"DudeNews Weekly helped me understand the relationship between masculinity and mental health. It's time to STOP surviving and START thriving." - Jaki, NY.
"Through empowerment and the support of DudeNews, I've reclaimed agency over my life. Now, I am thriving in my personal and professional pursuits." - Anthony, Ohio.

Don't Wait for 'Someday' Act Now!


As I always say: "The biggest mistake you could make is waiting until someday to follow your dreams. The 2nd biggest is trying to do it alone."

You don't have to do it alone because DudeNews is here to back you up on your journey to healthy masculinity.

Ready to Thrive? Let's Do it Together!

Our motto is "Empowerment Through Authenticity."

In 90 days or less, we can guarantee an upgrade in your self-care, inside and out, and improved success in every area of your life that matters to you.

Let's rise together!

Ben & Adam

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