Sunday Surprise! 18th Oct 2020 with invisibility cloaks...

Oct 18, 2020 3:46 am

Kā tev iet ?

That's "how are you" in Latvian. Did you know that this newsletter is officially over 4 months old?! Doesn't seem like much but for a small project, it's been nice to have this regular semi-creative task during the Melbourne lockdown. I'm going to change things up a bit for this edition, but would REALLY LOVE some honest feedback on the newsletter. I know I say it almost every email, but this is a little experiment for me and I do tweak things based on what you say!

Also, if you think a friend would like to read some of these articles, why not forward it to them and suggest they sign up? You can even use your own referral link:

That's enough chit-chat so here's this week's redesigned surprises!

Week in the life

This week, I took some time off work and actually slept about 14 hrs a night! It was glorious and made me realise that this year has been strangely exhausting given most people are doing less, not more.

I started on the jigsaw from the Australian manufacturer (see below) and mainly did little tid bits around the house including taking care of the the plants.


PxR & Kickstarter update

PxR puzzle

imageI've started to work on this version of the puzzle to iron out any issues before I choose a supplier and commit to mass production and man, the puzzle is HARD! Some of it has to do with this specific manufacturer having a naturally darker pigment so there's some lost detail in the current image at the edges, while most is due to the the puzzle having lots of shades and textures rather than definite markings.

I'll be editing the image slightly based on what I've seen so far to making the image seem a bit more vibrant and to recover some of the detail and maybe make it a (slight) bit easier...

Kickstarter should've sent the funds through by the time you're reading (I'm typing this up on Thurday night since I'm working on Sunday). this so I can start the order process going and start sending out the reward surveys next week.

Gadgets & tech

Oculus Quest 2

imageI was going to actually feature something for the kitchen this week but my housemate ordered the Quest 2 and... OH MY GOSH! Standalone VR has come SUCH a long way!

So in terms of VR, there's the PC powered ones that connected with wires and til now, there were headsets that you put your phone into. The Quest 2 is somewhere in between. It's a standalone headset that's pretty darn powerful, but then you can link it to your computer with a cable as well. It's essentially like having another console but even watching the Youtube VR content and the sample stuff is amazing!

My favourite 2 things has been playing their demo "Dance off" game where you use your controller as virtual hands and the "Clash of clans" VR video where you ride a hog into battle. I have to say, I experienced that 'butterflies in your tummy" sensation when you're about to dip on a rollercoaster when the clip did the same.

It's not something that I thought I'd like this much!


Some people keep asking about previous recommendations etc so I'm going to link a few that have come up in conversation in the last week below:

  • Designer USB rechargeable lighter - random, but worth replacing an everyday item with something cool...
  • Stilform Magnetic Fountain pens - Super cool fountain pen with the best lid for fidgeters like me. Just ordered this one and they are sending through yet another replacement for the old one they had. They're great with their lifetime warranties!
  • Lumos helmet - These guys are nearly done with the crowd funding, so if you want one in some exclusive colours, time to get one!


Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness

imageAfter that Freakonomics episode from the last newsletter, I got a request about where to learn more about nudge psychology and remembered reading this book last year and finding it fascinating.

The first few chapters seem like they're intended for the American readers, qualifying how nudge psychology doesn't reduce overall freedom etc, but then the book really gets going and gets super interesting. I bet you wont see the grocery store the same way again!


Real life invsibility cloaks are one step closer

imageThis is actually a few years old now, so there's bound to be some progress from what this video shows.

It's mind blowing none the less watching the example of what looks like a wall but clearly, there's some one there behind! The real shocking thing about it is the technology behind it is old and was even used in children's toys...


Jezabels - Prisoner

imageI tend to like...esoteric music most of the time, but I do quite like the alt/indie scene as well and this is where The Jezabels fit in. This Sydney band has a very distinctive sound that I'm quite fond of.

Try listening to Endless Summer and Catch Me. Both are my favourite from this album. I love the energy of the first track and the slow build up of the second.

Quote I'm pondering

When you're too embarrassed to ask for help, that's a little knock on your door saying 'you're insecure'

―Jocko Willink

Jocko is a former Navy Seal who served in some of the worst conflicts in the Middle-East. To hear his podcasts and experiences is an exercise in facing very blunt truths (he sounds just like what you'd expect Navy Seal to sound like). But to hear him talk about vulnerability shatters the illusion that he's some kind of action hero: he has his insecurities too.

So especially during the current events of the world, if you are needing help, maybe it's time to reach out and ask?

Truly random

How are you finding the random section? Would love feedback if you liked this.

Sarah Cooper

I'm not sure how I have just discovered her, but her Trump parody/lip sync videos are hilarious! Definitely a must watch as we head to less than a month for the US elections.

Thanks again for joining me on yet another week of randomness. What did you think of the reshuffled format? Any new section you'd like to see in the future? Email me and let me know!

Stay safe and stay random!

- Raffy

PS - I subscribed to Sedition Art and wanted to check out more of the art world. Do you have any recommendation for artists? I'm quite fond of the style of James Jean and these other semi-surrealist/abstract folk. Let me know!


Sunday Surprise uses affiliate/referral links in the newsletter. While this does not influence the product recommendations or verdict, if there are any that are likely to lead to Photos by Raffy receiving any sort of compensation from, they will be marked in orange. Non affiliate links will appear as blue.
