For two years between 2019-2021, meditation teacher and artist Jaya Ashmore guided fifty practitioners in a group programme she called Out Of Nowhere. The invitation was paradoxical: is there a “yes” even though we don’t know what is going to happen? And do you feel willing to have a place at the table, in the community, just as you are? Together, participants would help shape the programme. Practices included regular deep rest meditation and writing jams, doodling and dialogue, listening and belonging.

Right from the beginning, the group playfully began to call itself an “ark,” a safe haven on the move amidst cultural and climate crisis, and later Covid-19. The group found ways to begin dissolving racism and unleashing creativity and leadership.

Questions emerged. What serves life? What helps structure emerge that has love in its bones? What frees us to meet life as it is through the practice of dharma?

Out of Nowhere is a collection of teachings, poetry, prose writing, art, inquiry and reflection, woven together in a moving, wide-ranging story that speaks to everyone who is alive.

This collection will be released December 2022. If you would like to be notified when pre-sales open, or can help with getting the word out about the book, please drop your name into this list and we'll keep you in touch with our process.

Thanks so much for your interest.

Helen, Jaya, Emma, Tara and all the OON contributors and community x

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