Are you wanting to up level or attain new skills but can't seem to do it with your every day programming?

Maybe you've been doing CrossFit (or other fitness program inserted here) for ___ number of years and are super frustrated that you STILL haven't gotten your pull-ups, maybe pushups?

Maybe you've tried the downloadable PDFs, printed that ish out and then it collected dust...or maybe - if you're like me - it's still waiting to be printed out.

Maybe you currently subscribe to programming that offers SO MANY additional programs, but it's tough to navigate to the program and then also keep track of and schedule them in yourself.

More frustration, and not much progress, is happening.

I want to change that. You deserve better.

Introducing... The Skills Progression Lab!

  • A coach-led (that would be me) community and membership
  • 6-8 week skill cycles, the skill changing each cycle
  • 3 times per week, 15 mins or less
  • Three levels to choose from so you can progress no matter your skill level
  • Focus on making progress on ONE skill at a time = More Progress
  • Programmed in an easy open and go app (no more searching!)
  • Access to me for questions and coaching... no more googling questions!

Sound good? Join the Pre-Sale list to learn more, be the first to have dibs at joining AND a special pre-sale discount price.

Can't wait to see you in there and the progress we make together!

-Coach Kerri

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