(It's the recording I made in my little closet studio, lol.)
Untwisting Scriptures to Find Freedom and Joy in Jesus Christ
Book 6 Striving, Dying to Self, and Life
• "I just finished reading Book 6. I love it! It is full of fresh air, freedom, and yes, joy! I’ll be praying that this important book gains a far-reaching audience and sets many free! Well done, sister."
• "As I’ve been reading Book 6 I want to shout and cry and I do pray for God‘s kingdom to come!!! These words, in this book, are so crucial for these times - there is so much life and freedom in them! I pray for the truth in this book to go out and set many free!!!"
• "I AM SO LOVING YOUR BOOK. Thank you for writing it. It is truly ministering to me."
• "I'm still wrapping my head around all this amazing content."
• "This series of yours has ministered to my broken heart more than almost anything else. It has for sure been deeply validating, soothing to my sore and confused heart and mind and empowering and encouraging in my own journey to press on!"
• “Book 6 is excellent and helped to clarify and untwist my old thinking about striving, dying to self and being a living sacrifice. I believe this book will be instrumental in helping others just like me!”
• “I enjoyed the book and I am so thankful that you undertake this important work. You are a blessing to me!”
• “Wow! What a book!”
• “This is a powerful book and one every Christian should read!”
• “Once again, this is a fantastically helpful book to continue to debunk false teaching that is so damaging. Thank you. I can't wait to share it.”
• “Every time I read a new Untwisting Scriptures book I think 'this is the best one yet.' Book 6 really spoke to me. Your books have brought so much peace and comfort to me and have been instrumental to my recovery and survival. I am thankful that God has guided you to share what you have untwisted and may God bless you. I look forward to more untwisting books.”
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