are your behaviours incongruent with yourself, {{contact.first_name}}?

Jun 24, 2024 8:21 am


Peace be upon you,


I remember when I joined the committee in our estate last year as a member. There was a particular activity that I helped with though I wasn't the one in-charge of it.

The co-ordinator pushed me to participate in what was not in aligament with my values. I felt discomfort and knew immediately that I wouldn't last in the committee because I hate to be compelled to do anything, more less the one incongruent with myself.

Of course, I resigned some months later because I couldn't put up with it.

Today's lesson from the Atomic Habits book is about having behaviour that is incongruent with you normal self.

The statement reads;

Behaviour that is incongruent with the self WILL NOT LAST. You may want more money, but if your identity is someone who consumes rather than creates, then you'll continue to be pulled toward spending rather than earning.

Where in your life are your behaviours incongruent with yourself? You need to find out so that you won't keep sabotaging you.

The Lesson: Ensure that your behaviour is incongruent with yourself.

If this resonates with you, why not send a reply to let me know your thoughts? 😀 I read all my emails.  

Have a barakah-filled day and an amazing start to Monday.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: If you want to have a whole space of books to read for your personal and spiritual development, subscribe to Everand (formerly Scribd) to read all books FREE for 60 days through my link! Click here to subscribe. I've been with them for over 2 years now.
