what system do you use to hold overwhelm and stress at arm's length?

Jul 22, 2023 7:01 am


Peace be upon you,

Developing habits can significantly ease your life as a busy woman professional in several ways.

The Fourth way.

Reduced stress and overwhelm: 

I've found that I work seamlessly whenever I take time to plan my week ahead on Sunday afternoons or evenings.

Here's what I do.

📝I list about fourteen tasks I need to get down during the week, 

📝Prioritize them according to importance,

📝I rewrite to arrange the list accordingly, 

📝Using my 12 week year concept, I further chunk the tasks down to bite size,

📝When Monday comes, I start with the first thing on my list without any task obstructing my mental space. 😀

At other time when I don't have enough time for a more detailed list, I still write out my MITs ( Most Important Tasks) for the week.

I love flexibility which helps me a great deal.

I'm not a fan of 'if not this way, then no other way.' 

Making options available for how I plan my week, helps me remove the stress that comes with overwhelm. And I've noticed that my week usually get sabotaged any time I don't plan it ahead because other insignificant tasks get prioritized against the most important ones. 

Developing habits helps to reduce stress and overwhelm by creating a sense of order and predictability. When routines and habits are established, there is less need to constantly figure out what needs to be done, reducing mental clutter and creating a sense of calm and control.

What system do you use to hold overwhelm and stress at arm's length? 

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach


PS: I'm hosting a webinar on a dedicated WhatsApp group about how to thrive as a busy woman professional. You're invited. Join our webinar on by clicking this link → https://bit.ly/BeProductiveWebinar. 
