Part 2 of What To Write In Your Book.

Mar 23, 2023 5:33 pm

Peace be upon you,

This is part 2 on Ideas of what you can write in your book. 

Remember, this is just to get your idea muse going and not as a complete book idea on its own.

1. You can discuss common obstacles that your clients might face when trying to achieve their goals, and then provide guidance on how to overcome them. 

2. You can give insights into the latest research and trends in your coaching niche, and how they can be applied to help your clients succeed. 

For example, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a new trend this year. You can look at how it can be applied to help your clients' day to day activities. 

3. You can also share the testimonials or success stories from your previous clients to demonstrate the effectiveness of your coaching.

This works great when included in books because it helps ease your potential clients' decision making of working with you or not. 

Which of these gems resonate with you?

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach

PS: You can write your book within weeks. To do this, book your space to have a consultation session with me here where I take you step by step to getting your book blueprint. 

The offer ends by 31st March 2023 when a new price comes up. 
