Dhul Hijjah Is Here!, {{contact.first_name}}.

Jun 07, 2024 11:27 am

Peace be upon you,

Alhamdulillah Robil Aalamin that we're able to witness another Dhul Hijjah!

We are favored for this blessing not by our deeds but by Allah's Mercy.

I am sharing this with you so that we can partake in the blessings that abound in this beautiful month.

You can use the guide for some acts of ibadah for the month. I pray that Allah accepts all our du'a. Ameen.


I plan to keep fasts, bi'idniLlah.

Today is the first day, hence it's not too late to join in the reward of doing good deeds within the first 10 days and the rest of the month.

We had a 10 challenge last year during the month. Do you want us to do the same this year?

Reply "Yes" so that you can get on the list of those who receive the daily updates. Click Here.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/ Accountability Coach
