day 31

Oct 02, 2023 7:01 pm

Hello, Productive .

One way to be productive is to read books that help you become more productive.

Reading is my go-to way for relaxation, entertainment, and personal development. Knowing the kinds of books to read for your personal life and business can be the difference between being successful at what you do or become.

The best way to get in more reading is to find the best way you enjoy reading. I enjoy reading hardcopy books, and ebooks, or listening to my audiobooks. While I can do any of the three ways, someone might prefer ebooks only, hardcopy only or audio only.

Which format do you prefer? Your task is to choose the one you prefer and start using it to read books that make you grow and be productive,   

Scribd is an app that can provide you with ebooks and audiobooks to read. I have been using it for a long time now.

Check out Scribd through my link to sign up and you'll get 60 days free.

This is to cultivate a reading habit that serves you forever.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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