day 41

Jan 31, 2024 7:00 am


Hello, Productive .

Establish designated tech-free times or zones to reduce distractions and allow for focused work.

I usually try to use the do not disturb feature whenever at work and want to keep focused without the notification distractions. 

To become a productive person, you must set boundaries for when to use and not use technology. 

Try not to use your phone during family times. This allows you to give your complete attention to your spouse and children.

In my home, screen-free time is from Monday to Friday during school periods, while weekends are screen days. Though the children flaunt it sometimes but they're aware of the rules and they stick to it most times. 

Set a time for social media usage and always use app to track and restrict your time on the screen. 

Take regular social media/target detox where you totally disconnect from all devices to recharge. 

Last but not the least, invest in time to have face to face interactions with your friends and family. It's more of the real life activities that keep your relationships intact.

Your task for today.

Pick one or more of the above suggestions to implement if you're yet to do so. 

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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