day 46

Oct 23, 2023 7:01 am


Hello, Productive .

On day 44, you worked on the review and refreshing of your goals. Today is for the commitments you make. I'm referring to day 44 because they're connected.

Assess your current commitments and responsibilities, and periodically re-evaluate whether they align with your goals and priorities. Learn to gracefully say no to requests that don't serve your purpose.

I remember in 2019 when I decdeid to learn how to say no. I was overwhelmed to the point of burning out and knew that I could no longer go on as usual. Saying no was so uncomfortable, I tell you. However, I needed to choose my hard between being  uncomfortable for a short period or get continuously burned out. With time, I no longer felt guilty when I say no to what doesn't excite or align with my purpose. 

You can do the same if you feel that you're approaching the land of burn out.

Your task for today.

  • List all your current commitments.
  • Check that they align with your goals and priorities. 
  • Say no to those that don't align with your goals and priorities. 

You will get uncomfortable because you're possibly doing it for the first time. Allow the feelings but don't relent from letting your no be no.

You've got this, bi'ithniLlah. 

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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