3 Tools To Help You Write Your Book Faster.

Feb 27, 2023 1:55 pm

Peace be upon you,

I remember when I started writing my book. I used my beautiful pen and notebook. My writing flowed amazingly and I completed the first draft in no time. 

However, when it got to the point of transferring the first draft to my laptop, it took me about 6 months!

I got tired of typing and employed the help of relatives.😣

It was not pretty for me at all. So, I made the intention not to use the notebook and pen again.

This doesn't mean you cannot use your paper and pen, but ensure you can convert your written manuscript to editable format as soon as possible so that you can start self editing. 

I've found the following tools to get my writing done without much pain.

1. Speech to text

The speech to text application is available on most smartphones. 

This is when you speak your book into a microphone and your voice is immediately converted into text.

You need to edit for punctuations and grammar. I use the one on my Samsung tablet a lot. 

Watch a demonstration in the video here.

2. Voice recorder 

If you hate typing, you can use your phone voice recorder to speak your book.

This tool allows you to quickly speak your book and get it transcribed by a transcriber or using REV.COM (This is a paid application).

3. Google Doc

This is another tool which helps you keep your book ideas or manuscript in the cloud so that you can retrieve your work even when your laptop goes wacky or dead on you. 

The Google doc comes in the Google drive which can be found in most smartphones now and you can use it if you have a Google email account.

This can be used across your different gadgets; phone, tablets or laptop.

Let me know in the comment section which of the above tools you're going to use going forward. 

Also let me know if you use any of them.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: The door is closing to the March 2023 cohort for the Get Things Done mastermind tomorrow. If you've wanted to join an active group and a safe space you can be YOU to accomplish your goals with sass and happiness, then you've met your choice. 

Register Here!

Whenever you're ready, here are the 2 more ways you can increase your income and achieve your 2023 goals as a coach:

1. Apply for the Birth Your Book Group coaching program with me in Q1 2023. Send your mail through this email. There are only 3 slots.

2. Book your Book Clarity in A Box - BCAB, a one-off 2-hour session with me virtually where you walk away with a detailed book blueprint to go ahead and write your book on your own.
