Day 6

Dec 11, 2023 10:26 am

Productive . I'm sorry for dropping today's task late. Thank you for your patience. Dive in!

Plan your day.

Take a few minutes each morning, the night before, or the weekend (whichever works for you) to plan your day and prioritize tasks. This helps you to work ONLY on tasks that get you to your goals faster and easier.

I love using the K.I.S.S. method which is stated below.

  • Create time to brain-dump the 14 tasks that are connected to your monthly goals.

  • Arrange them in the order of priority.

  • Starting from the top priority, pick 2 tasks each day to work on.

  • Start working on the 2 tasks as early as possible. Leaders and successful people wake up as early as 5 am to start working on their ideas.

  • By 8 am to 9 am you've probably completed your MITs ( Most Important Tasks) for the day with the remaining time for play.🤩

  • Going through the above steps allows you to complete the 14 tasks within the week without stress and more time for other things.

See you in the next email.

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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