how to brain dump for clarity, {{contact.first_name}}!

Feb 05, 2024 8:01 am


Peace be upon you,

Sara, a young professional with a mind that seemed to be constantly buzzing with ideas, found herself overwhelmed one Monday morning.

The to-do list was long, deadlines loomed, and her thoughts were scattered in a chaotic dance. Feeling the pressure, she remembered a piece of advice she had recently come across: spend 5 minutes jotting down all the thoughts in your head.

Taking a deep breath, Sara grabbed her notebook and set a timer.

For the next five minutes, she poured her thoughts onto paper. Work tasks, personal goals, random ideas—all found a place on the page. As she scribbled away, there was a subtle shift. The mental clutter started to dissipate, and a sense of clarity emerged.

After those brief but focused minutes, Sara looked at the page. What was once scattered thoughts now lay organized before her. Sara had changed the chaos into a plan. With a clearer mind, she approached her tasks systematically.

Throughout the day, she found herself referencing the notes, ticking off items, and, surprisingly, even discovering solutions to challenges she hadn't seen before.

That simple act of spending a few minutes jotting down her thoughts became a powerful ritual for Sara. It not only helped her manage the immediate chaos but also became a regular practice, clearing the mental fog and allowing her creativity to flow. In those five minutes, Sara found a key to unlock focus and turn overwhelming moments into opportunities for clarity and productivity.


Are you like Sara? If yes, then you've found your simple way of calming chaotic thoughts into organized clarity - by brain dumping.

Are you going to put this into practice? Let me know by replying to this email.

Have a barakah-filled day.

See you next week on Monday, God willing.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are the 2 ways you can increase your income and achieve your 2024 goals as a female coach or consultant:

1. Book your Group BCAB (Book Clarity in A Box) Masterclass with me for April 2023. This is where you get a 3-hour session with me in a group setting to create your detailed nonfiction book blueprint. Imagine digging out the gold of your book! There are only 10 slots available.

2. Book your One on One Book Clarity in A Box - BCAB, a 1 on 1, one-off 2-hour session with me virtually where you walk away with a detailed book blueprint to go ahead and write your book on your own.
