it's day 3 of Eid & the last day to celebrate it, {{contact.first_name}}! 🧕🐏🐐

Jun 30, 2023 7:01 am


Peace be upon you, .👋

I shared two offers with you two days ago.

Have you decided which one to go for?

If you've been procrastinating from taking action on your goals, spiritual or workwise, these are the programs you need to take you to the point you want.

Let's talk about The Productive Path™ in today's email.

This one takes you from unorganized and unfocused to organized and focused.

If you've wanted to write your book but you keep procrastinating, TPP will help you to know the project or task to go with at the moment and not just be touching on every available project or task. You're laser-focused on one thing until you achieve it.

Or if you've wanted to be a morning person who walks five times a week to move and be healthy, this program will help you to create a habit that will keep you consistent, God willing. TPP will help you create a daily habit that will significantly ease your life as a busy and professional woman to give excellence in all that you do. There's no room for inefficiency.

How Does TPP work?

Through tailored daily tasks sent to your inbox five times a week, you're able to take a step at a time toward your habit creation instead of looking at the whole picture and getting overwhelmed.

All communication happens through email.

Join Beta for Productive Path!

Here's where it gets better. Read along.

I've got a simple and easy referral challenge for you between now and August if you sign up before we start.

For every two people you bring in, you get your registration fee back in full

Isn't that a win-win challenge? What better way to pull someone to a good thing and get rewarded for it?

The challenge starts now!

Register for The Productive Path™ here.

Send a reply to this email with your questions. I'd be glad to answer them. 😃

Look out for the details on Soul-full Connection, SC tomorrow, in sha Allah.

See you on the inside.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach.
