The Productivity Newsletter is back, {{contact.first_name}}!

Apr 29, 2024 8:01 am

Peace be upon you,

Sara sat at her desk intimidated by a whirlwind of unfinished tasks and distractions. Her to-do list seemed to grow longer with each passing minute, overwhelming her with its sheer magnitude.

With a deep breath, Sara closed her eyes and made a conscious decision to focus on just one task for the next fifteen minutes. One such task that won't allow her mind to rest is tidying up her business expenses for the month which is an MIT (Most Important Task)

She reached for a blank sheet of paper and a pen, blocking out the chaos in her mind.

For the next fifteen minutes, Sara poured all her attention into sorting her personal and business expenses from the bank alerts on her smartphone. She enjoyed doing this task when she got into the flow but found it hard to start sometimes because she thought it required a lot of time to complete.

When the timer beeped, Sara blinked and looked at the paper, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. In just fifteen minutes of single-tasking focus, she had completed something meaningful and important.

Now it's your turn.

Choose one task and work on it for the next 15 minutes. Avoid multitasking to enhance productivity.


As usual, have a barakah-filled day and an amazing start to Monday.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Look out for what is opening for enrolment in May 2024!
