day 52

Feb 15, 2024 7:00 am


Hello, Productive .

Check your finances and track expenses for each day.

I remember when I started tracking and recording my personal expenses. I was astonished at the amount of money that I was spending monthly. If someone had told me that I was spending so much before the exercise, I would have argued! 🤣

Taking the step to decide a monthly budget and recording my expenses helped me to get hold of my spending and investing habits which in turn made me productive with respect to my wealth. I spend within the budget for each day by updating the app as I spend to get the latest balance remaining to be spent. 

Click here for the saving/budgeting app called isavemoney that I use though I plan to go back to using it again after not doing so and having my expenses go through the roof! 🙈

For business finance and expenses, I use the Zoho Books app. 

Check it out here if you want to start keeping records for your business activities. It will help you when you need to file for taxation or get grants or other opportunities.

Your task for today.

Download one or both apps depending on your needs and start using from today!

See you tomorrow, God willing. 

To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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