Motivational Monday to you, {{contact.first_name}}! 🥳

Apr 22, 2024 5:10 pm

Peace be upon you,

How are you doing? It's a new week! 

I'm doing this differently this Monday.

I know it's kind of late in the day for today's motivation, but I'm still sending it here for those who need it. 😉

I wrote and shared this piece on 17th January 2018 - 6 years ago! It's still relevant.



The pix is from last week's networking event.

I've loved writing for as long as I could remember but I wasn't always confident. 

Whenever I read a book that I truly enjoyed, I would look inside me and ask, can you write just as much interesting story? And the answers have always been; yes, I can. 

Then why don't you write? As usual I'll go ahead and bring up all sorts of excuses such as; 

✏ I'm working and have a job now, hence I can't write. 

✏ I've got a family I need to take care of, so I don't have the time to write. Maybe when they're all grown up?

✏ How will I provide for my father if I quit my day job and go into full-time writing? 

✏ Would anyone even read my book? 

These and many more excuses were what kept me shuffling my gift under the rug. Not until I attended an online summit in 2016 and decided to start writing a novel which I'm presently working on. 

I've come a long way since then, I've taken a NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming- this will be another gist for another day) training in 2017 that completely changed my life. I'm moving and aligning my purpose to where it's supposed to be now. I've decided in me that it's either now or never. I now have an idea of where I want my life to lead me. I know the road to success won't be all smooth and joyous, but I'm ready to take the risk. I'm done with being scared of the unknown. I've decided to take my destiny in my hands with my Lord's permission. 

What's the essence of this story? It's to let you know that it's okay to feel scared, that it's okay to not feel confident sometimes, that it's okay to feel directionless, but what isn't okay is not doing anything about it. 

Look deep within yourself and reflect on what your values are and what your gifts are- we all have them. Then go deeper to dig them out and resolve to follow that which brings joy to your heart and songs to your lips. 

It's really exhilarating when you do what you love without feeling it's a job or another burden. 

Go on and delve deeper to uncover the treasures within you that you're created for. You're the one created just for it. There's only one you who can do it in your peculiar and unique way! 

Go do your thing and shine. 

Wishing you success in your journey.



✏ I'm working and have a job now, hence I can't write. - I quit my job on 16th August 2019 to follow my path.

✏ I've got a family I need to take care of, so I don't have the time to write. Maybe when they're all grown up? - I took the courage to do my thing alongside taking care of my family.

✏ How will I provide for my father if I quit my day job and go into full-time writing? - Alhamdulillah, it's been 5 years since I left my paid job and I'm doing okay and also providing for him with my Lord's Help.

✏ Would anyone even read my book? - I completed that novel and it became a bestseller in 2 categories on Amazon and loads of people have read it and loved it!

You've got this!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: The One way you can increase your income and achieve your 2024 goal of writing your creative nonfiction book as a female coach or consultant is by joining BCAB Masterclass.

Book your Group BCAB (Book Clarity in A Box) Masterclass with me for April 2023. This is where you get a 3-hour session with me in a group setting to create your detailed nonfiction book blueprint. Imagine digging out the gold of your book! There are only 10 slots available.
