Why Write A Book?

Mar 27, 2023 7:46 am

I made the reasons to write your book into an acronym SPΒ²F. Yes, the one that you need to rub before getting under the sun. πŸ˜…

Let's dig in!

1.    Spiritually:


β˜† "Read" is the first word of the Qur'an revealed to the Prophet (SAW). 

To do this, you must read the Qur'an and other impactful books to gain knowledge. So, why not write your book to be read to make an impact?

β˜† You shall be asked how you used your gift of writing. As Muslims, you're going to answer how you used your gift and other things your Lord bestowed on you. If you have the writing gift, it’s one reason you need to share your knowledge by writing your book.

2.     Personally:

β˜† To leave a sadaqah jariyah - a continuous charity. Writing your book is a beautiful way of earning rewards after you leave this world. As people read and are positively impacted by your book, you gain rewards.

β˜† To leave a legacy for your family. You can write about your life so that your generation to come can learn vicariously from you. You can write any kind of book. 

For example, you can write a letter book to your daughter, an advice book for your grandchildren, a list book for the fun things you did as an adult, or a question book on what to know as you grow older.

3.    Professionally:

β˜† Use your experiences, expertise, and talents to transform others' lives. When you write your book as a fitness coach, for example, you're able to help people live a fitful and healthy life.

4.    Financially:

β˜† To easily earn passive income from your books. When you write your book once, you keep earning money consistently from it without additional work unless you are upgrading to a new edition.

β˜† To create online courses, digital products, masterminds, masterclasses, and more from your book. In some cases, your book can be turned into a film or series on TV.

For me, I've written a book on my expertise called, Beginners Guide to Fiction Writing - a creative nonfiction. 

The book follows the protagonist Sumaya alias ’Maya on how she grows, learns and navigates her writing journey to become an award-winning author.

Out of all the above reasons why write a book, which one excites you the most?

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach.

PS: If you want to get your share from all of the above benefits starting now, the best way to do so is to join my Book Clarity in A Box consultation. Don't stay on the fence for too long so that you can get it at the present price of $150 instead of the new one of $300 starting on 1st April 2023.

I want to see you succeed. And I know that you can do it. πŸ‘Š
