No Need for Perfection, {{contact.first_name}}?

Apr 24, 2024 7:00 am


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

The statement "you need to be perfect as a writer to write a book" is a myth because it sets an impossibly high standard which can discourage you from pursuing your dream of becoming a published author. 

No writer is or can be perfect, and even the most successful authors have editors and proofreaders to help them polish their work.

I spoke to a prospect who was obsessed with getting everything perfect before she could write. During our talk, I realised that she thought her first draft was what would be the final publication, hence the need for her first draft to be perfect. It was until I explained the writing process to her before she realised that there was no need to write a perfect book from the start. 

Writing is a craft that requires practice and refinement, and it's natural for you to make mistakes and experience setbacks along the way. In fact, many successful writers have spoken about the importance of making mistakes and learning from them.

Once upon a time, I was also rooted in fear about sharing my writing with the world because I thought that my readers would ditch me if they found mistakes in my book after publication. The thought was so real that I got stuck for a while before doing something about it.

I decided to read bestselling authors across different genres and realised that there were few errors (though insignificant) in most of their books. It was this discovery that gave me the assurance that being perfect wasn't the goal but passing on my amazing message to make an impact. 

Of course this doesn't excuse having many avoidable mistakes and grammatical errors in your book. This is the reason we give our books to professional editors and proofreaders for checks before the final publication.

Writing a book is a challenging endeavour which can be fulfilling and fun, but it's not reserved for a select few who possess innate writing talent or perfection. 

With dedication, persistence, and a willingness to learn and improve, anyone can write a book. It's more important to focus on the storytelling, the message, and the passion behind the writing than on achieving an unattainable standard of perfection.

I would love to read your thoughts by replying to this email.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Read what a client said about working with me. 


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