How To Become An Author-ity

Feb 13, 2023 11:45 am


Peace be upon you,

As a woman who studied Civil Engineering, it was practically impossible for the men to take me seriously on site and it was the worst experience of my life.


Being a woman I was already at a disadvantage. Hence I want to do everything I can to put myself at an advantage. The world isn't fair but it is what it is and I cannot sit down and be a victim.


I can do something to push and position myself up there as an authority who people will listen to. Whether you're a woman or not, when you're seen as an authority, people have no choice but to listen to you. 


And writing a book and becoming an author is one way to establish yourself as an authority.


Even these prejudices are seen in the coaching industry where people think that women coaches are just unserious. But when you write a book it puts you at a different level. It sets you apart from every other person because people begin to take you seriously simply because you're a coach.


There was an instance when my coach was being hassled by the immigration officers at the airport and she was asked what she does. She told them to google her. When they saw 'author' beside her name, she was immediately given much-deserved respect. 


So I want every woman to be accorded this kind of respect wherever they are - where your business is basically your legacy. Whereby when you step out to introduce yourself as an author, people would want to listen to you. Simply because you have something relevant to whatever they're doing. 


In a few sentences, this is why I do what I do. 


Writing your book positions you as an authority as a woman, and I want women to be able to feel and have that. When you're an authority, more opportunities are opened to you because people give and make space for you.

I invite you to join me and other females in my community where we become authors and an authority to reckon with.

Join our community Here!

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

