are you ready to give your 2024 goals the chance to happen?!

Dec 28, 2023 1:03 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

I ask Allah SWT to grant you barakah (infinite blessing) in your time, energy, wealth, and health. Ameen.

I'm reaching out to you, to personally let you know that the early bird discount (code: 10%OFF) for the Simply Get Things Done Accountability Mastermind will be coming to an end on December 31st, 2023 and I don’t want you to miss out. 

This is a 3-month, 6-month and 12-month subscription mastermind that will help you focus on your 2024 goals or intentions and see them materialise, God willing. Choose whichever subscription level that suits your goals.

What you're getting 😃:

  1. A platform for ideas exchange, help, and networking with other group members.
  2. Productivity habits and resources that get you to your goals finish line faster.
  3. The confidence that you’ve got someone like me holding you accountable every step of your journey to your goal.
  4. Simple and easy-to-digest help that you have fun completing with happiness.  
  5. Working and learning on your project/habit with other like-minded women in the mastermind who want to make a difference.
  6. Getting tailored help for your project/habit from me to complete in record time.

But don't take my words for it.

Here are what participants are saying:



In the community, I'm all about getting you started with the mindset that you can do it! If you've got me in your corner, then be rest assured that those goals shall be accomplished in no time, God willing - with your commitment, of course. 

You only need to bring three things along - your commitment, your go-getter attitude and your goals!

You can get whatever you want to be done.

Simply Get Things DoneTM - SGTD, a group accountability mastermind, is the ultimate community to collaborate with other female coaches and consultants, business owners, and entrepreneurs in a private and secure space where you easily track your progress and get personalized reminders to keep everyone in the group motivated!

In the SGTD group, you get real-time insights into how everyone is progressing, share resources (some of which you can't get anywhere else), discuss strategies, and celebrate milestones, failures & successes together — all without having to leave the comfort of your home.

Take action now to start turning your dreams into reality today with the SGTD group accountability mastermind by clicking the button 'I'm Ready!'

I'm Ready!

To your awesomeness


Your Book/Accountability Coach
