day 54

Feb 19, 2024 7:00 am


Hello, Productive .

Practice mindful eating during a meal, savouring each bite without distractions.

I attended a Mindfulness practice certification course earlier this year and it was a necessary skill to acquire.

In one of the practicals, we were taken through the process of eating mindfully.

Here are the steps you can follow to practice it.


  • Choose a quiet and comfortable place to eat, free from distractions like phones, computers, or television.
  • Set a positive intention for your meal, such as nourishing your body and savouring the experience.


  • Before you begin eating, take a moment to observe your food. Notice its colours, textures, and arrangement.
  • Pay attention to the aroma of the food. Inhale deeply and appreciate the scents.


  • Express gratitude for the food you are about to eat. Reflect on the journey the food took from its source to your plate.

Engage Your Senses.

  • As you take each bite, savour the flavours and textures. Chew slowly and thoroughly, paying attention to the changing taste.

When I practiced mindful eating I noticed that I was able to notice when I am full as against when I eat without being present and overfeeding.


Your task for today.

Practice mindful eating today throughout the day using the above process.


To a productive you,


Your Productivity Buddy.



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