{{contact.email}} Florence never thought she was creative enough to write a book, but here's what happened…

May 17, 2023 7:01 am

Peace be upon you,

Florence never thought she was creative enough to write a book, but here's what happened…

The first time Florence and I spoke about her book, she was so intimidated and certain that she wouldn't be able to write it.

She is a Mental Health First aider who also focuses on stress management.

There were stories she wove about not being a storyteller, hence her book wouldn't make sense.

I remember that she continuously mentioned that writing a book is for those who were creative and she wasn't.

After going through her goals and her why, we were able to establish clarity around what she wanted to write about.

In our second session, she completely transformed her mindset around writing her book with enthusiasm.

Why the sudden change? It was because she got a book topic she wanted to write about with so much excitement.

The topic is something she's so passionate about and what her audience would grab with both hands when it's done, hence it was a no-brainer that the willingness to write on it brought on the shift in mindset.

Let's convert the idea in your head into a full book today. 

Click on my Bio or link and get the Book clarity in a box offer today.


To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

PS: Whenever you're ready, here are the 3 ways you can increase your income and achieve your 2023 goals as a coach:

1. Apply for your Group Book coaching with me in Q1 2023. Send your mail through this email. There are only 3 slots.

2. Book your Book Clarity in A Box - BCAB, a one-off 2-hour session with me virtually where you walk away with a detailed book blueprint to go ahead and write your book on your own.

3. Join the waitlist for June 2023 of our amazing group accountability mastermind, Simply Get Things Done. This is for you if you've got a project that you need me to kick your bum to achieve on a deadline!😃
