Communicating On A Human Level.

Nov 21, 2023 12:41 pm


Write joyfully, 

Grow remarkably

Peace be upon you,

The fact that I'm able to let my clients/prospects have space to air their worries and thoughts has impacted how they respond to me.

So, I want you, to know that there might be something amazing about you that you take for granted but is very valuable to others.


For me, I've realized the following from my conversations over time.

📚 Creating a safe space; I got on a call with a sister whom I had never known before our call. She mentioned that she wanted to write a book from her experiences stemming from a narcissistic marriage and I decided to listen to her pains.

. you never know how a conversation would turn until you're in it, I assure you. 

When she started her story and went deeper, I was moved to tears and I held the space for her. I never mentioned that I knew how she felt (because I hadn’t gone through such experiences and I didn't know how she felt). Being honest and knowing that you don't have to say things just for saying sake is very important. 

At the end of our conversation, we both realized that she wasn't ready to write a book yet but needed to get healed first. She accepted that and said at the end (paraphrasing), "I feel relieved now and comfortable in sharing my pains with you though I don't know you."

Her statement humbled me so much. It made me realize that I can hold space for my client and listen to them instead of wanting to get in words or sentences in between their narrations.

📚Being human as much as possible; Another encounter happened when I accepted a sister's Facebook friend request. I sent her a voice note thanking her for requesting to be friends with me. 

She responded to the voice note, thus; 

"What a lovely way to reach, love your voice message, I guess it’s much better than texting. I would love to know more about you, insha’Allah how about having a virtual meeting like on Zoom/ Skype/ Facebook?"

And after our call, she mentioned the voice note again. This shows how much impact that mere gesture went a long way for her. 

Be conscious of the good characters that people tell you about you, and do more of such because it's a gift you're blessed with. 

To your awesomeness,


Your Book / Accountability Coach

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