she wrote her book in 18 days?

Mar 27, 2023 5:01 pm

Peace be upon you,

Yes, you read that right.

My client, Dr Misturah, came to me to help with her book writing journey. At that time I was marketing my one on one service which she joined and I was amazed at her tenacity as she compeled the first draft of her FIRST book in 18 days! The amazing part was that she never wrote a book prior to jumping on my service.

If you don't know Dr Misturah, she's a Stress Relief & Spiritual Life Coach who is a trained medical doctor and a public health physician. However, her life journey pulled her towards life coaching and NLP which she is more focused on for now. She knew there was a story brewing in her that needed to be told, hence she gave it an outlet when the story wouldn't let her be.

Dr Misturah was struggling with procrastination before she came to me. Her looking for a perfect time to write the book wasn't helping her. When she saw my post on social media, she quickly jumped on to grab the opportunity.

During the time she came to me for guidance, things around her were imperfect but she pushed through to show up for her book.

After our session, she knew what to start with and she followed the process with dedication and persistence. Armed with her outline, she went ahead to write her first draft in just 18 days! She was someone who was ready to be coached and took action.

She self edited her manuscript and my team and I did the rest and as they said, the rest was history.

Her book was published on Amazon and Selar. She's now a published author earning from her book.

Now imagine that this could be you in a few weeks.

Imagine signing up for this one on one consultation and getting a blueprint for your book to go ahead and start writing it.

Imagine you no longer having a writer's block but writing with confidence and fun because you've got your outline.

Imagine you no longer wishing to write a book but getting it done in weeks!

Imagine you ticking off 'write a book' from your bucket list that's been recurring for many years; even decades!

Imagine you finally holding the physical copy of your book and sharing with your Tribe, audience, family and friends.

What would your life look like? What would you do with the income from your book and other opportunities arising because of it?

Just think about it.

Are you ready to take the next step to achieve the above?

Then book your one on one consultation with me today and not tomorrow by clicking on the link below to start living the dream of being a published and accomplished author.

Send a reply when you've signed up so that I can give you a warm welcome and congratulate you on making a worthwhile investment for you and your business.

To your awesomeness,


Your Book/Accountability Coach


PS: Take quick action now so that you still get to enjoy the old price of $150 before the new one begins on 1st April 2023. 😉
