Join Us Weekly On Tuesdays @ 8:00pm ET Via Zoom For Digital Discipleship Using Operation Timothy!

What is Discipleship?

Disciplemaking is the PROCESS of helping an individual GROW IN CHRIST in the context of a RELATIONSHIP, leading that individual to DISCIPLE ANOTHER.

Simply stated, disciplemaking is helping people mature in Christ to the point where they will reproduce the life of Christ in others.

It's A Relational PROCESS - Not a program, not a curriculum. It's more than head knowledge. Instead of being a classroom activity, it is a life-on-life activity.

Once someone comes to Christ, the metaphor in the New Testament changes to one of PARENTING – this is Disciplemaking. We can almost hear the parent in the Apostle Paul as he writes to the Galatians, "My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,…

Through VITAMIN F: DISCIPLESHIP TUESDAY, we are going to take you through a clear step-by-step process of making disciples.

Zoom Meeting Info

Meeting ID: 825 3396 0377

Passcode: 910493


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