New Year, New You (New Me Too) from Two Ruru

Feb 11, 2023 4:37 am


So, this is a list you signed up for at some stage. Yes, really, even though I haven't exactly been prolific about sending out newsletters. In fact, I think this is the first one I have ever sent to you.

I'm writing because - as you'll have noticed from the non-existent cadence of "hey I made some new art" emails - I've been a bit slow in terms of making new art.

Well, that might be changing. As of earlier this week, I started a long-thought-about project, with the ultimate aim to produce a bit more of everything I already do. A lot more, actually. I kicked it off via David Farrier's Webworm newsletter where I wrote about the promises and pitfalls of self-improvement.

Essentially, I am spending a year investigating (and sometimes implementing) every self-help grift under the sun to see what, if anything, happens or helps. I have a lot of aims with this project, and one of them is to see if diving deep into the murky waters of self-help might work to increase my art output.

You can sign up to follow the project at I'll be putting out an update soon - this afternoon, in fact - and there will be new posts every week. If you've ever enjoyed the humour that (hopefully) comes through in my art, then you should find a lot to enjoy at the Cynic's Guide To Self-Improvement.

And if it's new art Two Ruru art you're after, and you've patiently waded through this screed in search of something tangentially related to it, may I recommend these tea towels?



A new batch of them just arrived, are sitting within view of my desk in fact, and they look lonely. They need new homes. Your mum will love them. Pegs and clothesline not included.

Thanks again for signing up to get updates from me. I hope you enjoy the next one, whenever that is. I'm hoping it's soon!



PS: could you consider doing me a tiny favour? I got some less-than-ideal news today, and something that would be very cheering is pictures of my art doing whatever it does in your home. It's a nice reminder that no matter how small this business is, a lot of people have liked my art enough to actually hang it up where they live, and that's a pretty big deal. Feel free to flick me some pics and I'll find a way to show them off.
