“Exploring life through fiction, together.”One summer as a kid, we drove down to the south of France. I must have been about 8. We packed our little red Peugeot, squeezed ourselves in, and headed south. We drove for hours, and hours, and hours, just...
I’ve been working through the LLF course with my bible study and I've been examining my identity. What keywords do I use to describe myself? What items, locations, and rituals do I attach my sense of self to? What would happen if one of these was rip...
[I’ve reworked my postscript. If you check it out, let me know what you think.]My Mum still lives in the house I grew up in. By and large we still have the same neighbours. I can walk through the town centre and see a dozen acquaintances spanning a c...
I used to have a couple friends who grew up on islands. They’d stare out into the open countryside, not a drop of water in sight, as if they were searching for a dear friend. Other friends would stare at the sun in the height of summer, laying a braz...
How can I tell if I’m being determined or just stubborn? Today marks my 365 day writing streak, a huge goal I’d set myself. But not one that came easy. I had many nights where I flinched at the flash of the monitor as I finally booted the computer in...
Do you have any tiny rituals? I love to spot Nadal’s many during a match. Setting the bench parallel to the court, arranging his water bottles, adjusting his socks before every save, the list goes on. What does each action mean to him? What would hap...
We’re moving house soon, so I’ve been thinking a lot about possessions. While sorting, I’ve discovered things I last saw two or three houses ago. I’ve found family treasures, useful gadgets, and an awful lot of junk.Fiction Bite - Fourteen’s too youn...
Do you ever fantasize about the perfect job, the perfect holiday, or the perfect home life. I find I keep imaging I’ve hit the big time as an author. I’ll run through interview questions, polishing my answers and getting a warm, fuzzy glow of achieve...
Book of the Month - Half a Creature From the Sea. Full review here.As a kid, I used to run out of the room to hide from the TV. It started with a hint something was going to go wrong. Not the thriller, your wife and children will be kidnapped, but th...
Book of the Month - The Silk Roads by Peter Frankopan. Full review here.Since our four-month-old son was born, our lives have been turned upside down. He’s our second child, so we were expecting it. But you forget the gritty reality of those first fe...