Karin Hatzmann

Happiness is a choice!

Create your life from joy, let your light shine and watch how circumstances change for you. Trust and dare to play, in the moment.

This is what I mostly write about. In my poems and in my fiction books.

  • I am so proud to report that my first literary fiction book The Olive Grove Lodge is now published. A humorous, contemporary story about personal transformation, set in the Mediterranean region, in the warm sunshine on a secret island under ancient olive trees. Friendly neighbors and former colleagues add their witty twist to the journey.
  • Now, my German friends await the translation of The Olive Grove Lodge.
  • In the meantime, book two of the La Pacifica Series, The Treasure Hunters at La Pacifica, is ready for editing and proof-reading.
  • Sign up for my newsletter, be the first to hear about the book launch.


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