Your help with the Great Regular Joe Coffee Kickoff

Nov 19, 2020 5:59 pm

There's really nothing that smells as good as freshly ground coffee in the morning.


Hi Everybody,

We're excited for you to get our coffee.

It should arrive before the end of the week.

Seeing as we are aiming to launch to the general public on Monday, we need your feedback as soon as you get the goods.

We're sending out four different blends. Your feedback will help determine which gets picked to be our signature blend.

What you're getting is with the roasters branding, so pay that no mind. We'll have a label designed before the start of next week.

We'll send you another email in the next day or two with a link to a survey. When you get the coffee, grind it, make it, drink it and let us know what you thought.

Thank you for being our testing team!

All the best,

Bram & Greg
