Love Line Business Lounge #5 - Fun as an organizing principle

Oct 08, 2020 3:01 am

Recently we decided to make Fun an organizing principle for everything we do with Love Line for Business.

On the face of it, sounds like a lot of beer and not much else.

How often do we say to ourselves, I'd like to do it that way but that's not the way the world works? So you kill that unreasonable thought and go back to doing things that are attainable.

Way too often.

Isn't the reason you started this crazy, entrepreneurial journey because you wanted to do something unreasonable?

The one thought that went through my head most often when I most disliked my day job was "this is no fun!"

For the last six months that we've been running Love Line for Business, every time we got stuck was because something stopped being fun.

Scheduling guests, promoting the podcast, starting brands, improving the format. We've struggled with all of these.

And we've fixed each of these by answering the simple question: "how do we make this fun?"

That's reason behind the silly 80's movies, bad photoshops we use to promote the podcast every week. Instead of it feeling like a chore to go beg for attention every week, I can't wait for Thursday to come around so that I can show you the next stupid picture we came up with.

That's the reason we brought on people to hotseat Greg and I on how to improve Love Line for Business. It was so much fun getting advice. It was even more fun following the advice we got.

It sounds so counterintuitive.

Not to go straight to working harder.

But to lean into the way you want to be.

I dare you to give it a try.

Here to always stimulate your bottom line,

Bram (and Greg)

P.S. We also have a short, weekly newsletter for listeners of the show called In the Flow. If you haven't already, you can sign up by smashing this button:

Stimulate Me!

P.P.S Feel free to forward this to anyone that might find this interesting but the only way to get on this mailing list is to come on one of our shows.
